—image credit Tenor/GIF via Google

The following has been excerpted from the Brownfield's Bio - BOOK IV


What Wickedly Wobbly-Pops the Peddler Peddles



Matthew Brownfield

.... It was Zimpy Zimp who directly asked me what was the motivation for Wobbly-Pops to sell illegal drugs to youngish kids?
        “That's so simple. Essentially, Wobbly-Pops is a lazy welfare bum, and he always needs more money to support his numerous addictions.”
         “Can't this borderline personality disorder guy get a paying job or anything?”
        I was being somewhat comical when I answered her question. “He certainly can cut his adoptive mother's lawn quite well, and I must admit I was always impressed by his angle-cutting lawn style.”
         “If he's so good at it, why doesn't he make some honest money cutting other lawns?”
        I shook my head. “I think that would cut into Wobbly-Pops' liquor consumption time. Besides, Rodney the Rat told me Wobbly-Pops lost his automobile license twice and perhaps even more often than that.”
        Zimpy Zimp pinged the lip of her liquor glass. “Because of this?”
        I nodded. “Wobbly-Pops has absolutely no control over drinking alcohol.”
        She discreetly pushed her glass of glory away then instinctively reclaimed it. ...." ....

/page , Rodney the RatPlucks the MoonFrom the Sky



Wipe liquid from lips. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle. Wipe liquid from lips. And so Wobbly-Pops’ whimsical life carries on: Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Thwack. Punch beer can. Beer sprays. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle. Wipe liquid from lips. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle. Wipe liquid from lips. And so Wobbly-Pops’ whimsical life carries on: Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Thwack. Punch beer can. Beer sprays. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle. Wipe liquid from lips. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle. Wipe liquid from lips. And so Wobbly-Pops’ whimsical life continues until the end of his earthly time .…" ....


/page , Rodney the Rat Plucks the Moon From the Sky


.... And so Wobbly-Pops’ whimsical life carries on: Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Inhale smoke. Exhale smoke. Cough-cough. Thwack. Punch beer can. Beer sprays. Guzzle-guzzle. Guzzle-guzzle.

—image credit Tenor/GIF via Google

—image credit Tenor/GIF via Google